Year 6 Residential at Gilwell Park - Day 1


Muhammad Yasin Ali (Year 7 Currently) - This gives MANY memories. I miss my class!

Sabiha - I really enjoyed my time there. I would also like to say thanks to Richard, Moin and Shazna for taking us there.

Siam - Epic

Shazna, Riley Class - What a joy it has been to spend time away with our lovely year 6s! I will cherish the laughs we had, the kindness you showed towards each other and battling against some of your fears which you overcame. Team “Habibi” I loved getting to see all sides of your personalities (boys my ears are still ringing from your general conversations) and my lovely “chicken nuggets” & “minions”, you warmed my heart when we spent time together in the lodge. Movie night, dancing and singing allowed us to see your beautiful hearts smiling… and for the boys making the drinks in the “coffee shop”, I hope to walk into your cafes one day in the near future😅 Richard & Moin, a huge thank you from Year 6!!

Momotaz - Aww, these are lovely pictures. They really capture the childrens experiences. Thank you for sharing.

Shamlina - It's very nice to see them all having fun and injoying some good memories they have that they can cherish for life time

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