Contact Us

Stewart Headlam Primary School
Tapp Street
E1 5RE

020 7247 1201

If your child is going to be late, please contact Motiur Rahman, Home-School Liaison Worker on 020 7247 1201 or

Key Contacts

You can contact anyone at the school using the details above.

Executive Headteacher - Judy Knappett

​Head of School - Nilufar Chowdhury

Office and School Business Manager - Mike Bull

Chair of Governors - Lindsey Gray

Any questions?

If you're not sure about anything to do with the school or your child's education please ask at the office or complete this form:

Entries marked with * are required.

We'll only store and process your details for the purposes related to this form and we will not sell or share them with any third parties.

Your details will be kept for five years before the records are removed. You can ask to see what details we hold about you and request that they be removed at any time by contacting us in writing.