Pupil Premium

At Hague we have high aspirations and ambitions for all pupils.

We want children to thrive emotionally, socially and academically so that by the time they leave Year 6, they are, 'secondary ready,' with ideas about their future ambitions, for study, interests and employment.

The Pupil Premium Funding, Covid Catch-up and Recovery Funding is specifically to ensure disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils are effectively supported to be more secure in their learning strategies.  We are aiming for achievements to be on par with non disadvantaged peers.

It starts with secure foundations for reading, writing and numeracy developed throughout primary across the curriculum.  This is a federation priority.

Covid-19 throughout 2020 to date has significantly affected all children's learning. The Pupil Premium funding, Covid Catch-up funding and Recovery funding is specifically for addressing pupils' learning needs 

To secure good and outstanding progress we target and plan the learning support and resources based on evidence of our children's gaps in learning and needs. The termly pupil progress meetings, parent meetings and analysis of  interventions support this process. 

  1. All children need great teachers, effective learning support and feedback on how to improve and progress. We talk about learning from good models and marvelous mistakes, making good better and better best.
  2. Some children need a little bit of extra group teaching or a mentoring boost with targets and effective personal learning strategies. 
  3. Others need a bigger targeted or longer  term boost with specific teacher tutoring time in a small group or 1:1 support.

The Pupil Premium and Catch-up funding supports the school's focus and strategies to address and narrow the gaps in attainment and attendance between disadvantaged pupils and non disadvantaged peers.   

The funding received is used to improve teaching strategies, accelerate progress through improved regular attendance at school, mentoring to secure positive self confidence, attitudes to learning and behaviour choices as well as personalised tuition. 

Schools can choose how best to spend the money to good effect.

Historically Hague has narrowed the gap so that pupils eligible for pupil premium perform well in comparison to peers. Governors and Ofsted check the difference in attainment between disadvantaged and others. 

The Pupil Premium £1,345, is allocated to schools for children of statutory school age from low income families who are known to be eligible for free school meals (FSM). Pupil Premium funding is also allocated for the number of children who have been looked after continuously for more than 6 months and children whose parents serve in the armed forces. 

If you think your child/ren are eligible please register FSM status on admission. Families register eligibility based on income thresholds or receipt of recognised benefits.  

We very much encourage families to let us know if work or social circumstances change. We don't want children and families missing out on the benefits of this funding.  

(From September 2014 Tower Hamlets Council pledged that all pupils from Reception to Year 6 regardless of income will automatically be given a free school meal. This potentially means that some children at school may be missing out on the benefit of pupil premium funding if they are not registered.)

Pupil Premium Funding

2023-2024 - £72,750 + Recovery Funding £11,266

2022-2023 - £86,080 + Recovery Funding £10,030

Covid Catch-Up Funding Federation of Stewart Headlam and Hague Schools Statement

2021-2022 - £86,080 + Recovery Funding £10,030

2020-2021 - £90,115 + Covid Catch-up £18,400

2019-2020 - £93,720

2018-2019 - £109,560

2017-2018 - £118,800

2016-2017 - £130,680

2015-2016 - £137, 032

2014-2015 - £135,200