
The school has high expectations that everyone will behave well and respectfully to each other.

A copy of the Behaviour Policy and Anti-Bullying Policy are available on our Policies page.

Inappropriate behaviour is challenged by all members of staff. There are stages of intervention and support for pupils to improve their behaviour. At all times pupils are encouraged to take responsibility for their own words and actions. Our aim is to make the pupil more aware of their own self discipline, self awareness and self control.

In the case of serious inappropriate behaviour, the Headteacher always seeks to assess the situation with parents/carers.

The school has a positive Behaviour Management Policy which is reviewed annually with staff and pupils. In line with the school’s Parents in Partnership principle you will be asked to support the behaviour policy. All members of the school team are expected to consistently implement the guidance. We believe that adults are role models for behaviour in our school.

The school has an anti-bullying focus as part of National Awareness annually in November all children are encouraged to tell an adult if experiencing any aspect of bullying. The school’s PSHE curriculum and assemblies aim to ensure bullying is not tolerated.