Welcome to Hague Primary School

Message from the Head of School

Welcome to Hague School Website. We hope that you can use it to find information you need to know or simply to show off what’s happening to your family and friends. For new visitors we hope that it gives you a view to learning and life at Hague.

Hague is a successful one-form entry primary school, with a Deaf Provision for up to 16 pupils from 3-11 years.  It serves a multicultural community in Bethnal Green, the heart of London’s East End.  Pupils are at the heart of everything we do. We want everyone to enjoy learning, so every effort is made to ensure that the curriculum is relevant to our pupils and inspires them.  Visitors to Hague often tell us how happy, hard-working and well behaved pupils are. We are very proud of them. They all make good and outstanding rates of progress as a result of great teaching and support for learning. We challenge pupils to achieve their best, develop, knowledge, skills and attitudes which will help them to become successful learners and develop long and lasting friendships.

We value parent support and look forward to working with you whilst your child or children are at Hague. We hope that your association with the school is a long and happy one. Should you require further information on any aspect of the school then please get in touch we will be pleased to help, especially if it concerns your child.

Sue Walsh
Head of School


Last day of term
Occasional Day - School Closed
22/07 - 30/08
Summer Holiday
Inset Day
August Bank Holiday