Our Governors

Message from Paul Gardner, Chair of Governors

The federation governors for Hague and Stewart Headlam schools are focused on three core strategic functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding the Executive Leader and Heads of School to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent  

Governors meet each half term as Full Governing Body and as sub committees to fulfil the statutory requirements.

If you have an interest in being a federation governor please contact Governor services on 020 7364 5000 or email governors@towerhamlets.gov.uk.

Contacting the Governors

You can contact the Executive Headteacher or Chair of Governors who will be happy to advise of vacancies, roles and responsibilities.

Please share your request via one of the schools' admin teams:

Hague Primary School

Wilmot Street
E2 0BP

020 7739 9574


Federated Governing Body of Stewart Headlam Primary School and Hague Primary School

Paul Gardner - Chair of Governors Co-opted Governor  
Lindsey Gray - Vice Chair - Parent Governor
Mike Coleman - Local Authority Governor
Kamal Hussain - Parent Governor  
Moin Ahmed - Staff Governor
Ekram Ali - Co-opted (Staff) Governor
Hannah Emmett - Co-opted Governor
Helen Jenner - Co-opted Governor 
Millie Otieno-Storey - Co-opted Governor
Vacancy - Co-opted Governor
Judy Knappett - Executive Headteacher  
Nilufar Chowdhury - Associate Member
Sue Walsh - Associate Member
Tracy Webster - Associate Member

Governors' Interests and Attendance

Governance Arrangements and Business Interest Register 2023-2024

Governors Attendance 2022-23

Governors Attendance 2021-22

Governors Attendance 2020-21